
Project Biomodus - A Transhuman, Post-Apocalyptic Action RPG

Created by Joseph 'BEAR' Thompson - TAPM Systems

Project Biomodus: a Tabletop RPG, where powerful transhuman hunters try to survive the biomechanical horrors of a dying, adapted world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

HOLY HELLFIRE - $12k hit, but the campaign isn't over yet!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Nov 02, 2016 at 12:38:08 AM

First off...

 $12,000 pledged so far and rising!

However these are still a few hours to go, so I am not counting the chickens just yet. There are a couple housekeeping things that we need to be sure of before the end of the campaign rolls around, so make sure of the following things:

  • Make sure you have everything you want. If you want Add-Ons, use the 'Manage Pledge' button in the top and add on the cost of your Add-On manually to your existing pledge! If you are having troubles, then contact us!
  • Make sure the card or payment method you are using is valid! I can;t stress how important this is. When the campaign ends, there is only a limited window to fix pledge charge issues, so make sure your card hasn't expired, is being revoked by your parents, or some other issue that make may the charge fail.
  • There are always going to be fluctuating pledge amounts leading up to the end of the campaign. Although we have hit the amount needed, it needs to stay above that to properly fund. Keep sharing, keep caring and help us try to meet that first stretch goal!

Thank you all for your support and faith. You are all fantastic, wonderful people and I am deeply honored to be the subject of your support!


Joseph 'Bear' Thompson | TAPM Systems

Just a little over $2500 left to go! - LAST PUSH with NEW REWARD FOR COLLECTORS!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Nov 01, 2016 at 09:03:23 PM

Hey folks!

First off, I want to tell you all how proud our team is to have you guys on board. It's way too often where thanks are only given when the day is over and done, but regardless of our outcome, I want you all to know that your support has been critical in helping Project Biomodus get out there into the RPG community and we are eternally thankful for all your contributions.

Now, that said, let's make this thing happen!

We have a little over 48 hours to go, and we are still in need of a little under $2600 to get this thing up and running. This is an opportunity to tell your friends, get the word out there and to really take a look at our pledges and see if you have everything you could ever want!

Being this close and so little on time is absolutely nail-biting, so I am adding an additional reward to anyone who backs a pledge with a hard-copy of the Collectors edition, to include a poster-sized, color print of the following image:

Everyone who has backed should be very proud of their involvement and how they have helped bring Project Biomodus to life. Regardless of how things turn out at the end of the campaign, anyone who has backed will be included in play test releases and will be kept up to date with every major (and probably a lot of minor) advances in development!

Thanks again to all of you for being amazing!

Share this link to everyone you know: and get them on board!

Let's get this done!

Joseph 'Bear' Thompson | TAPM Systems

Engineer Tier - $1,750 off! House of Trade - $50 off! Last 4 Days of FIENDISH HALLOWEEN SALES!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 10:39:20 AM

Okay folks, we are getting down to brass tacks here!

I am going to do a full video update tonight, but for right now, I want to let you all know that the Engineer Tier at the bottom of the page is being reduced by $1,750 dollars, to $2,750 for a personal play session, a copy of the collectors edition stuff for each of your players, as well as one each of the MedTek, Codexi, Lord Hunter / Huntress, Lossitar, and the Biomodus of Legend rewards! (Some restrictions apply so go check the pledge level before your underwear exits the building in excitement!)

You could be the one who finally takes Project Biomodus over the edge!

House of Trade Pledges get 6 copies of the book (3 soft-cover and 2 hard cover Standard Editions + 1 Collectors Edition) as well as marketing material, pre-release sales rights and their logo and addresses featured in the back of the book. If your local gaming store needs some fresh books and some easy marketing, then they have 4 days to get involved!

Help us reach our goal by sharing these updates or a link to the campaign! These last few days are vitally important and we are right on the cusp of seeing this thing done! Share, tweet, get out to your local store, tell them I will love them forever and if you get them to message me with their phone number, I'll call them myself and tell them they are amazing.

I dare you to test my resolve!

Also, huge thanks to those of you who have already backed. Regardless of the outcome of the next 4 days, your support has been invaluable in helping shape the future of Project Biomodus!

Lets get to it folks! 4 days left and $2,821 to go! Share, share, share and hopefully when the dust settles, a fully funded Project Biomodus will have lefts it's unfunded womb and can begin it's rampage around the city of Newly Published!


(For those wondering, this fun gif is from the anime Kill La Kill, and a very good source of Biomodus-related visual inspirations, if you are looking for some!)

Joseph 'Bear' Thompson | TAPM Systems

$8.5k UPDATE! - Add-On's, Interviews and new faction, the TYPHOMETI!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 10:44:15 PM

Hey all!

Just giving you a quick update, as well as showing off a few other things!

Here is the Interview with InglriousB:

 And here is some art of the new faction, the TYPHOMETI!

Remember to share, like, re-tweet and all that good stuff to get this info out to your friends! We only have a bit more to go before we are funded, so let's bring this puppy home to mama!

Remember to check out the Add-On's and see if there is something you like!

Thank you all for your continuing support!

Joseph 'Bear' Thompson | Creative Director
TAPM Systems

over 7 years ago – Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 03:00:37 PM

So just an additional show of the Collectors Edition Maaul Statue, our designer wanted to give you a current Work-in-Progress look at the base of the statue to give you an idea of what we are looking at.

Please bear in mind this is not a finished production, it is without pose and has many of the components still missing. However, i am pretty sure you will agree that its pretty exciting to see a nice render of our favorite Heavy Chimera!

 Stay posted for more updates!

Joseph 'Bear' Thompson | Creative Director
TAPM Systems